Mass-to-luminosity relation for galaxy pairs and triplets in the different environment

1Melnyk, OV, 1Elyiv, AA, 1Vavilova, IB
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2009, 25(1):64-71
Language: Russian

We estimated the dark matter content in galaxy pairs and triplets selected from SDSS DR5 by the high order Voronoi tesselation method. The median mass-to-luminosity relations Mvir/L are the following: 12 M/L for isolated pairs, 44 M/L for isolated triplets; 7(8) M/L for compact pairs (triplets) with the characteristic distance between galaxies R

Keywords: galaxy pairs, galaxy triplets