Effects of coherent scattering in polarizing properties of Galilean satellites of Jupiter?
1Morozhenko, OV 1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2008, 24(2):155-157 |
Language: Russian |
Abstract: Attention is drawn to the fact that not entirely reliable data on the polarization plane position were used in [Rosenbush V. K. et al. // Astrophys. J.—1997.— 487, N 1.—P. 402—414] for the comparison of calculated and observable polarization peaks of Jovian Galilean satellites near opposition. The assumption that the polarization peak is caused by light interference not on nearby particles but on microcracks aligned in the required way is proposed. |
Keywords: Galilean satellites, polarizing properties |