2-D MHD model of solar magnetogranulation. Dynamics of magnetic elements. 2004 ;20(1):3-26.
. Detection of double stars with the use of kyiv database of lunar occultations. 2004 ;20(1):93-96.
. Distribution of the oxygen abundance over the discs of eight spiral galaxies. 2004 ;20(1):68-75.
. The electric field and charge in the solar corona. 2004 ;20(1):27-33.
. The inclusion of magnetic splitting of lines in the determination of the lithium abundance and isotopic ratio in the atmosphere of the roAp-star HD 101065. 2004 ;20(1):43-52.
. Method for the determination of coordinates of albedo details on surfaces of spherical planets under various conditions of illumination of their visible discs. 2004 ;20(1):76-92.
. On the rotation of solar large-scale magnetic fields of the opposite polarity. 2004 ;20(1):34-42.
. On the solution of the inverse problem of the twilight sounding of the atmosphere. 2004 ;20(1):59-67.
. UBVRI polarimetry of the eclipsing binary V393 Cyg. 2004 ;20(1):53-58.
. The account of Poynting-Robertson's effect on short intervals of meteor orbit evolutions. 2005 ;21(4):312-316.