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1Gnatyk RB. Magnetar SGR 1900+14 as a potential source of galactic cosmic rays with energies above 10E20 eV. Russian. 2018 ;34(4):3-13.
1Dobrycheva DV, 1Vavilova IB, 1Melnyk OV, 1Elyiv AA. Morphological type and color indices of galaxies SDSS DR9 at 0.02 < r < 0.06. Russian. 2018 ;34(6):22-40.
1Vasylenko AA. The obscured active nucleus of NGC 7172 as seen BY NuSTAR. Russian. 2018 ;34(6):41-56.
1Kozak PM, 2Lapchuk VP, 2Kozak LV, 2Ivchenko VN. Optimization of video cameras disposition for providing maximal calculation precision of coordinates of natural and artificial atmosphere objects for stereo observation. Ukrainian. 2018 ;34(6):57-78.
1Chernogor LF, 1Shevelev MB. Parameters of the infrasound signal generated by the passage a meteoroid over Indonesia on October 8, 2009. Russian. 2018 ;34(3):59-75.
1Chernogor LF, 1Mylovanov YB. A rise of a meteoroid thermal in the terrestrial atmosphere. Russian. 2018 ;34(4):53-66.
1Prysiazhnyi AI, 1Stodilka MI, 2Shchukina NG. Robust method for determination of magnetic field strength in solar photosphere. Ukrainian. 2018 ;34(6):3-21.
1Kozak LV, 1Petrenko BA, 2Kronberg EA, 3Grigorenko EE, 4Lui E, 5Cheremnykh SO. Spectra of turbulence during the dipolarization of the magnetic field. Russian. 2018 ;34(5):52-69.
1Pasechnik MN. Spectral study of Ellerman bombs. The photosphere. Russian. 2018 ;34(2):25-45.
1Shubina OS, 2Borisov NV, 3Ivanova OV, 4Rosenbush VK. Spectrum of short-periodic comet 2P/Encke in the apparition of 2003. Russian. 2018 ;34(4):67-80.
