The identification of absorption lines of actinides in the spectrum of Przybylski's star (HD 101065). 2008 ;24(2):125-136.
. Investigation of instability of point position for the collocation station "Simeiz-Katzively". Ukrainian. 2008 ;24(5):388-400.
. The investigation of relative content of one-fold neutrons in the incident flux of cosmic rays from neutron monitor data. Russian. 2008 ;24(6):441-445.
. The investigation of the coordinate system of astronomical instruments, not allowing cross bar-beam. Russian. 2008 ;24(4):321-329.
. The Kiev electronic database of television observations of star occultations by the Moon. 2008 ;24(2):158-163.
. Large-scale mapping of the IRAS 0042+5530 region in the ¹²CO (J = 1-0) and ¹³CO (J = 1-0) molecular lines. Russian. 2008 ;24(5):333-344.
. Light curves and photometrical parameters of the comets C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), C/2002 V1 (NEAT), C/2004 Q2 (Machholz), and 153P/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang). 2008 ;24(2):146-154.
. Monochromatic brightness factors for Jupiter and Saturn. Russian. 2008 ;24(6):475-479.
. NLTE formation of the Ba II λ 455.4 nm resonance line in the solar atmosphere. 2008 ;24(3):198-215.
. Observations of asteroid occultations by the method of temporal unsqueezing their images. Russian. 2008 ;24(4):291-298.