Optical emission lines in spectra of objects with X-ray sources in the Galaxy M 101

Pilyugin, LS, Tugay, AV
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2012, 28(3):20-29
Язык: Russian

We found seven emission line objects in the spiral galaxy M 101 which coincide with X-ray sources within a 10″ box. Five of them are H II regions, one is a stellar-like source near the galactic centre, and one is a distant galaxy projected onto the M 101 disk. The Hα emission line in the spectra of three H II regions is thin. The profile of the Hα emission line in the spectra of two H II regions shows a wide component the contribution of which to the Hα flux is 12 % and 2 %. No wide components are detected in the observed profiles of the forbidden lines [O III] λ 500.7 nm and [S II] λ 671.7 + λ 673.1 nm in the spectra of all the HII regions under consideration. This testifies that the presence of an X-ray source inside or near an H II region has no significant (if any) influence on the optical emission lines in the H II region spectra.

Ключевые слова: M101 galaxy, spectrum, X-ray sources