The first experience on the observations of solar eclipses with the help of miniature balance scales
Pugach, AF, Medvedsky, MM, Peretiatko, NN, Shavlovsky, VI, 1Karbovsky, VL, Nikitiuk, TV, 1Lazorenko, PF, Zolotukhina, AV, Vorobiov, DP, Pap, VA, Lazorenko, GA, Vedenicheva, IP, 1Shatokhina, SV, 1Kostogryz, NM 1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2008, 24(5):401-410 |
Language: Russian |
Abstract: We performed observations of the position of the pointer of the asymmetrical balance scales in some dates of solar eclipses and in off-eclipse days. It is shown that the miniature balance scales show a specific reaction in the moments of solar eclipses which differs from their reaction at off-eclipse time. Among possible reasons which influence on the position of balance scales beams, it is pointed to mutual arrangement of the Earth, the Moon, and Sun. A time shift between the moment of the maximal phase of a solar eclipse and the maximal reaction of scales was detected. We infer that the performance of base observations of such phenomena from different points of the Earth is necessary. |
Keywords: balance scales, solar eclipse |