Database "Astronomers - Ukraine" in the UkrVO portal
1Vavilova, IB, 1Artemenko, TG, 1Pakuliak, LK 1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2014, 30(1):70-80 |
Start Page: Research in the History of Astronomy |
Language: Russian |
Abstract: The new electronic database developed by the authors and titled “Astronomers — Ukraine” is described as a source of the main biographical data on astronomers of Ukraine from the 15th century till the beginning of the 21st century. The database is an upgrading component of the Ukrainian Virtual Observatory portal and contains the main biobibliographical data and papers concerning astronomers of Ukraine as well as links to their publications. The existed biographical sources about astronomers in the world are briefly discussed. A list of the principal publications about astronomers of Ukraine is given. |
Keywords: Astronomers - Ukraine, Ukrainian astronomers, Ukrainian Virtual Observatory |
1. 200 Years of Astronomy in Kharkov, Ed. by Yu. G. Shkuratov (V.N. Karazin National University of Kharkov, 2008).
2. 60 Years of Main Astronomical Observatory NAS of Ukraine, Ed. by Ya. S. Yatskiv (Akademperiodika, Kyiv, 2004).
3. Academician S.Ya. Braude in the Memoirs of Contemporaries, Ed. by A. Kostenko (IRA NASU, Kharkov, 2005).
4.Z. N. Aksent’ieva, “Essay on the life and work of A. Ya. Orlov,” in “A. Ya. Orlov. Selected Papers” (AS UkrSSR, K., 1961), vol. 1, pp. 7–37.
5. Axioms for Posterity: Ukrainian Names in the World Science, Ed. by O. K. Romanchuk (Memorial, L’viv, 1992).
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11.A. F. Bogorodsky and N. A. Chernega, “Mitrofan Fedorovich Khandrikov (1837–1915),” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 8, 297–330 (1962).
12.A. F. Bogorodsky and N. A. Chernega, “Robert Filippovich Fogel (1859–1920),” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 9, 211–234 (1966).
13.I. B. Vavilova, “Astronomy,” in “The History of the Culture of Ukraine,” vol. 5 “Ukrainian Culture of the XX—Early XX2 Centuries,” issue 3 “Culture and the Development of the Science and Technologies in Ukraine,” Ed. by M. G. Zhulinsky (Naukova dumka, K., 2013), pp. 560–598.
14.I. B. Vavilova, L. K. Pakulyak, and Yu. I. Protsyuk, “Ukrainian Virtual Observatory (UkrVO). The goals, structure, and tasks,” Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya 16(5), 62–70 (2010).
15.I. B. Vavilova, L. K. Pakulyak, Yu. I. Protsyuk, et al., “Ukrainian Virtual Observatory: Current status and perspectives of development of Joint Archives of Observations,” Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya 17(4), 74–91 (2011).
16.S. Vsekhsviatsky, Selected Works (PPC “Kyiv University”, 2005).
17.V. A. Gagen-Torn, “University astronomy education in USSR in 1917–1980 years,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 22, 41–66 (1990).
18. General Designer. The Book about V. F. Utkin (CSRImash, M., 2003).
19.N. B. Divary and V. G. Fesenkov, “The outstanding astrophysicist,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 22, 302–326 (1990).
20.V. A. Dobrovolsky, “The participation of the first directors of the Pulkovo Observatory in the organization of the Kiev Observatory,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 4, 491–498 (1958).
21.P. P. Dobronravin, “Astronomical memoirs,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 29, 266–305 (2004).
22. Encyclopedia of the Contemporary Ukraine, (Poligraphknyga, K., 2012), vol. 11.
23.A. I. Eremeeva, Outstanding Astronomers of the World (1966).
24.A. I. Eremeeva, “The life and activity of B.P. Gerasimovich,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 22, 253–301 (1990).
25.K. V. Ivanov, “University observatories of USSR in 1920-th,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 28, 252–267 (2003).
26. From the History of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (Nauchnyj, 2001).
27. The Names of Ukraine in Space, Eds. by I. B. Vavilova and V. P. Plachinda, (VAIYE, K., 2003), (see also I. B. Vavilova, “The Names of Ukraine in Space,” in “Innovation in Teaching/Learning Astronomy Methods,” IAU Special Session, 2006, vol. 2.
28. The History of the Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, Ed. by B. Novosyadlyj. (LNU, L’viv, 2011).
29.L. V. Kazantseva and L.V. Kislyuk, Kyiv Window into Space: the History of Kyiv Astronomical Observatory in the Context of the History of Progress of National and World Science (Nash chas, K., 2006).
30.I. A. Klimishin, Essays on the History of Astronomy (Radyanska Shkola, K., 1987).
31.I. A. Klimishin, “The History of Astronomy,” 2-nd edition, corr. (Hostynets, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2000).
32.B. P. Kovarskaya, “Donich Nikolay Nikolayevich,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 29, 209–235 (2004).
33.I. G. Kolchinskij, A. A. Korsun’, and M. G. Rodriges, Astronomers: Biographical Directory (Naukova dumka, K., 1986).
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35.A. A. Korsun’, “Fedorov and his scientific school,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya, 327–341 (1989).
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39.“Proceedings of conference dedicated to A. B. Severnyj,” Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 92, 5–27 (1995).
40.“Proceedings of conference “Current problems of astrophotometry” dedicated to the 100-anniversary of Professor V. B. Nikonov,” Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 103(3), 188–230 (2007).
41.“Proceedings of international conference dedicated to 60-anniversary of Crimean Astrophysical Observatory,” Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 103(2), 231–260 (2007).
42.“Proceedings of international scientific conference “100 years: last, present, and future of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory,” Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 104(5), 5–160 (2008).
43.“Proceedings of memorial conference dedicated to 90-anniversary of K. K. Chuvaev,” Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 104(3)-(4), 41–186 (2008).
44.“Proceedings of memorial conference dedicated to 100-anniversary of academician G. A. Shajn,” Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 90, 5–161 (1995).
45.“Proceedings of workshop on the spectrophotometry dedicated to the memory of professor V. B. Nikonov,” Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 94, 282–288 (1998).
46. Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory. Stellar Way in 175 years: [1821–1996], Ed. by G. I. Pinigin (Nikolaev, 1998).
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49.I. I. Neyachenko, “History of Simeiz observatory,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 13, 43–116 (1977).
50.K. F. Ogorodnikov, “In memory of B. P. Gerasimovich,” Development of the Methods of Astronomical Research (M., L., 1979), pp. 509–515.
51. Essays of History of Astronomy: from Ancient Time till the Beginning XX Century, Eds. by À. Grebennikov, K. F. Ogorodnikov, I. A. Klimishin, and others, (Naukova dumka, K., 1992).
52.V. Pappo-Korystin, V. Platonov, and V. Paschenko, Dnepropetrovsk Rocket-Space Center. Brief Report on the Foundation and Development. -YuMM-DBYu. Chronicle of the Data and Events (Yuzhmash, DB Yuzhnoe, Dnepropetrovsk, 1994).
53.B.E. Paton, I. B. Vavilova, A. A. Negoda, and Ya. S. Yatskiv, Ukraine in the Constellation of Space Countries of the World (VAITE, K., 2001).
54.Pikelner Solomon Borisovich (1924–1970), Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 17, 229–235 (1984).
55.S. B. Pikelner and G. A. Shajn (1892–1956), Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 3, 551–610 (1957).
56.G. I. Pinigin, “From the history of Knorre’s dynasty,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 35, 107–137 (2010).
57.G. I. Pinigin and Zh. A. Pozhalova, Nikolaev Observatory in the First Half of the XX Century Piblishing house of I. Gudym, Nikolaev, 2011).
58.V. Platonov and Yangel, Orbits of Life (Art-Press, Dnepropetrovsk, 2012), 2nd ed.
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61.V. A. Smirnov, “Astronomy in Odessa in the 30-40ies years of the ÕÕ century,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 26, 170–189 (2001).
62.N. M. Stoyko-Radilenko, “Memories about Novorosiysk University and Odessa Astronomical Observatory,” Istor.-Astron. Issled. 10, 245–252 (1969).
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65.E. P. Fedorov, “Alexander Yakovlevich Orlov: lofe, activity, and scientific heritage,” in Geodynamics and Astrometry (Naukova Dumka, 1980), pp. 7–24.
66.E. P. Fedorov, Essays and Reminiscences about Scientist, Eds. by Ya. S. Yatskiv and A. A. Korsun’, (Naukova Dumka, K., 2009).
67.V. G. Fesenkov, “Some autobiographical data,” Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya 31, 181–258 (2006).
68.Yu. A. Khramov, History of Physics (Feniks, K., 2006).
69.G. A. Shajn, Selected Papers (Naukova dumka, K., 2012).
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72. Shulman Leonid Markovich: Biobibliography Directory (MAO NASU, K., 2006).
73.Ya. S. Yatskiv, A. N. Alexandrov, I. B. Vavilova, et al., General Relativity: Tests through Time (“Akademperiodyka,” K., 2005).
74.Ya. S. Yatskiv, A. A. Korsun’, and I. B. Vavilova, “A. Ya. Orlov and his astrogeodinamical scientific school,” Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies 21(6), 403–413 (2005).
75.T. G. Artemenko, M. A. Balyshev, and I. B. Vavilova, “The Struve dynasty in the history of astronomy in Ukraine,” Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies 25(3), 153–167 (2009).
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85.I. B. Vavilova, A. A. Konovalenko, and A. V. Megn, “The beginnings of decameter radio astronomy: pioneering works of Semen Ya. Braude and his followers in Ukraine,” Astronom. Nachrichten 328, 420–425 (2007).
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89.Y. S. Yartskiv and I. B. Vavilova, “Astronomy in Ukraine: overview of the situation and strategic planning for 2004–2011,” Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies 19(6), 569–574 (2003).
90.Y. S. Yatskiv and I. B. Vavilova, “Astronomy education and scientific schools in Ukraine,” in The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture,” Proceedings IAU Symp. 260, Eds. by D. Valls-Gabaud and A. Boksenberg (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011), pp. 696–703.
91.Ya. S. Yatskiv, I. B. Vavilova, and A. A. Korsun’, “Alexander Ya. Orolv-well-known scientist and recognized organizer of astronmoical research. Little known facts of his life,” Odessa Astron. Publications 25, 74–81 (2012).