The instrumental profile of spectrograph of Golosiiv solar telescope ATsU-5

1Osipov, SN
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2015, 31(5):72-
Start Page: Instruments and Devices
Language: Russian

The device for exactly and quickly measurement of instrumental profile (IP) of high resolution spectrograph is described. The transfer from solar observation to IP measurements and backwards is carried out by rotation of coelostat additional mirror only. The measurements of IP in 2-nd, 3-th, and 4-th orders of grating are carried out with the spectrograph of solar telescope ATsU-5 using He-Ne gas laser LGN-302 (λ = 632.9 nm). The monitoring of IP during observational season is completed, during which the halfwidth of IP was varied within 10 %. The dependence of IP from temperature of spectrograph air is presented. The importance of taking into account the differences of non-coherence solar light and coherence laser beam is emphasized. The technique for estimation of coherence of laser beam is proposed.

Keywords: instrumental contour, solar telescope

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