The velocities determination for the eastern Europe stations using GNSS observations at the GNSS data analysis centre MAO NAS of Ukraine

1Ishchenko, MV
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2016, 32(1):70-80
Start Page: Earth's Rotation and Geodynamics
Language: Russian

At the GNSS Data Analysis Centre MAO NAS of Ukraine horizontal and vertical movements' dynamic research for the GNSS stations, located in East European region, was proceeded. The coordinates estimation of GNSS stations, obtained from the solutions of regional processing and reprocessing, that were performed at the GNSS Data Analysis Centre MAO NAS of Ukraine with the software complex Bernese GNSS Software ver. 5.2, were used for the analysis. Velocity values for 42 GNSS stations, 15 of them are located in Ukraine, were obtained. Global and local offsets for the horizontal and vertical GNSS stations' movements were obtained.

Keywords: Bernese GNSS Software, GNSS data analysis, movements of GNSS stations

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