Large-scale structure of solar wind beyond Earth’s orbit reconstructed by using data of two-site interplanetary scintillation observations at decameter radio waves

1Kalinichenko, NN, 1Olyak, MR, 1Konovalenko, AA, 2Brazhenko, AI, 1Kuhai, NV, 1Romanchuk, AI
1Institute of Radio Astronomy of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Gravimetrical Observatory of Geophysical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Poltava, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2019, 35(1):27-41
Start Page: Space Physics
Language: Ukrainian

The solar wind is a collection of flows with different parameters (speed, spectral index, width and others). Spacecraft measurements were the means that allowed conclusions to be made about the bimodal character of the solar wind. The spacecraft “Ulysses” proved that the bimodal structure is clear at relatively large distances from the Sun (several astronomical units). Also, there is another possibility of the reconstruction of the solar wind stream structure. This is the interplanetary scintillation method. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the stream structure of the solar wind beyond Earth’s orbit with using the data of the two-site interplanetary scintillation observations. The experiments were carried out at decameter wavelengths as they were relatively high scattered by the rarefied interplanetary plasma beyond Earth’s orbit. The experimental data that were analyzed in this work was obtained by synchronous interplanetary scintillation observations with the radio telescope UTR-2 and URAN-2. The determination of the parameters of the solar wind and its stream structure is undertaken by fitting calculated curves for different models to the experimental IPS characteristics (scintillation power spectra and velocities of cross spectrum harmonics). The spectral, spatial and frequency criteria were used to separate the interplanetary and ionospheric scintillations. The results of this investigation show that the solar wind beyond Earth’s orbit usually consists of several flows which replace each other on the line of sight to the radio source. These investigations prove reliability and efficiency of the interplanetary scintillation method for the reconstruction of the solar wind stream structure.

Keywords: interplanetary scintillations, solar wind, stream structure

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