Spectral study of active region site with Ellerman bomb and Нα-ejections. chromosphere. Ellerman bomb

1Pasechnik, MN
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2021, 37(1):3-29
Start Page: Solar Physics
Language: Ukrainian

The results of the spectral observation analysis in the Нα line of a site of active region NOAA 11024, on which the Ellerman bomb and various types of chromospheric ejections developed , are presented.The spectral data with high spatial and temporal resolution were obtained with the French-Italian solar telescope THEMIS on July 4, 2009. The observation time was 20 minutes. 400 spectra with a time interval of ~ 3 seconds were obtained. On the day of the observations, the AR was at the stage of a sharp increase in activity. Stokes I profiles were obtained, with an interval corresponding to 160 km on the surface of the Sun. The Нα line profiles for different periods of the EB development were very diverse, generally they consisted of several components and were asymmetric with an excess of emission in the short-wavelength wing. The maximum increase in emission component intensity, in comparison with the profile for the AO area without active formations, in the short-wave by 73 % and in the long-wave by 35 % wings occurred at the distance of about ±0.16 nm from the line core. The temporal variations of intensity in the line wings indicate that during the development of the Ellerman bomb a gradual release of energy took place during the first 8 minutes, and then a pulse release of energy for 6 minutes. The period of the EB brightness increase consisted of 5 peaks with an interval of about 1 minute. The temporal changes in the line-of-sight velocities (Vlos) of chromospheric matterthe over the region of EB development at the level of the line core formation, which we obtained, indicate that the distribution of velocities in this region was mainly caused by the development of chromospheric ejections. It was found that Vlos in the area without active formations varied within ±2 km/s. Two periods of Vlos increase were distinguished, which consisted of several individual peaks — in the first half of the observations, the chromospheric matter mainly moved upward, and in the second half of the observations, the downward movement of matter prevailed. Нα-ejections of various types were observed over the area of EB development. The maximum velocity of upward movement in return ejections reached –12...–16 km/s and the chromospheric matter descended along the same trajectories of magnetic loops at a velocity twice as high — up to 22...30 km/s. In a loop ejection, the chromospheric matter moved both up and down simultaneously. The maximum Vlos of the upward movement at one side of the loop was –7 km/s, and the downward one at the other side of the loop reached 18 km/s. One of the ejections showed signs of plasma vortex motions, as evidenced by the inclined dark streaks in the spectra. The features of the change in the intensity of the Нα line wings and the line-of-sight velocities of the chromospheric matter indicate that the Ellerman bomb and its accompanying Нα-ejections, which emerged and developed in the active region site under investigation, were the result of magnetic reconnections caused by the emergence of a new serpentine magnetic flux and its interaction with a pre-existing magnetic field or between the magnetic loops of the flux itself.

Keywords: active region, Ellerman bomb, magnetic reconnections, Sun, Н<sub>&alpha;</sub>-ejections

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