Monochromatic brightness factors for Jupiter and Saturn Kuznyetsova YG. Monochromatic brightness factors for Jupiter and Saturn. Russian. 2008 ;24(6):475-479.
Temporal evolution of the light curve for the comet Tempel 1, 9P from 1867 to 2005 1Churyumov KI, Filonenko VS, Chubko LS. Temporal evolution of the light curve for the comet Tempel 1, 9P from 1867 to 2005. Russian. 2008 ;24(6):469-474.
Secular variations of brightness of periodical comets as a result of desintegration of their gaseous-dusty nuclei and influence of solar activity 1Churyumov KI, Filonenko VS, Chubko LS. Secular variations of brightness of periodical comets as a result of desintegration of their gaseous-dusty nuclei and influence of solar activity. Ukrainian. 2008 ;24(6):463-468.
On residuals in asteroid catalogues and on a possible nongravitational effect 1Kazantsev AM, 1Kazantseva LV. On residuals in asteroid catalogues and on a possible nongravitational effect. Russian. 2008 ;24(5):379-387.
Observations of asteroid occultations by the method of temporal unsqueezing their images 1Kravtsov FI, Lukyanyk IV. Observations of asteroid occultations by the method of temporal unsqueezing their images. Russian. 2008 ;24(4):291-298.
Photopolarimetric observations of Jupiter's polar regions Shalygina OS, Korokhin VV, Shalygin EV, Velikodsky YI. Photopolarimetric observations of Jupiter's polar regions. Russian. 2008 ;24(4):278-290.
Light curves and photometrical parameters of the comets C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), C/2002 VI (NEAT), C/2004 Q2 (Machholz), and 153P/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang) 1Churyumov KI, Filonenko VS, Chubko LS. Light curves and photometrical parameters of the comets C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), C/2002 VI (NEAT), C/2004 Q2 (Machholz), and 153P/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang). 2008 ;24(2):146-154.
Physical characteristics of the plasma tail of comet C/2006 M4 (SWAN) 1Sizonenko YV, 1Korsun PP. Physical characteristics of the plasma tail of comet C/2006 M4 (SWAN). 2009 ;25(5):364-372.
A consideration of the hypothesis on genetic connection between comets and Pluto and the transneptunian object 2003 UB 313 Kalinicheva OV, Tomanov VP. A consideration of the hypothesis on genetic connection between comets and Pluto and the transneptunian object 2003 UB 313. 2009 ;25(5):355-363.