Statistical characteristics of large sunspots in solar activity cycles 17-23. Russian. 2011 ;27(4):48-56.
. Taking into account diffraction phenomena in processing of observations of star occultations by the Moon with television systems. Russian. 2011 ;27(1):71-80.
. Transversal small-scale MHD perturbations in space plasma with magnetic surfaces. Russian. 2011 ;27(2):63-790.
. Abundances and absolute stellar magnitudes for F and G supergiants of Magellanic Clouds. Russian. 2012 ;28(3):43-54.
. The accumulation of Fourier-component phases in case of an object observation through a turbulent atmosphere. II. Russian. 2012 ;28(2):45-58.
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Bicentennial decrease of the total solar irradiance leads to unbalanced thermal budget of the Earth and deep climate cooling. Russian. 2012 ;28(2):22-33.
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. The correspondence between strong emission line intensities in the spectrum of an H II region and its chemical composition. Russian. 2012 ;28(4):56-75.
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