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1Gopka VF, 2Shavrina AV, 1Yushchenko VA, 3Yushchenko AV, 2Pavlenko YV, 1Andrievsky SM, 1Vasileva SV, 4Kim C, 5Jeong Y, 2Lyubchik YP. The analysis of actinium abundance in the atmospheres of three Magellanic Clouds red supergiants stars. Russian. 2018 ;34(3):25-41.
1Shatokhina SV, 2Kazantseva LV, 1Yizhakevych OM, 1Andruk VM. Catalog of asteroids from processing of digitized Photographic Observations of Northern sky survey (FON) project. Russian. 2018 ;34(5):70-78.
1Ovsak AS, 2Karimov AM, 2Lysenko PG. Comparison of characteristics of the vertical structure of atmosphere's aerosol component in latitudinal belts of Saturn. Russian. 2018 ;34(2):55-70.
1Ovsak AS, 2Teifel VG, 2Karimov AM, 2Lysenko PG. A comparison of values of the imaginary part of refractive index of aerosol particles in the latitudinal belts of Northern hemisphere of Saturn. Russian. 2018 ;34(3):76-80.
1Fedorov YI. The cosmic ray intensity on the initial stage of the solar flare. Russian. 2018 ;34(1):3-20.
1Fedorov YI, 1Shakhov BA. Description of solar cosmic ray propagation in the interplanetary medium on the base of kinetic equation. Russian. 2018 ;34(3):3-24.
1Mamedov SG, 2Kuli-Zade DM, 2Alieva ZF, 1Musaev MM. Doppler width of spectral lines. Russian. 2018 ;34(2):76-80.
1Kostyk RI. Effect of wave motions in the active region of the solar surface on convection. Russian. 2018 ;34(2):46-54.
1Tserklevych AL, 1Zayats OS, 1Shylo YO, 1Shylo OM. Generation of the stressed state of the lithosphere of the Earth and Mars caused by the reorientation of their figures. Russian. 2018 ;34(1):30-56.
1Balyshev MA. Historical and biographical research of life and scientific activity of Boris Semeykin (1900-1938). Ukrainian. 2018 ;34(2):71-75.
