Mykola Mykolajovych Yevdokymov (1868—1941): founder of astrometric research in Kharkov Astronomical Observatory

Balyshev, МA
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2022, 38(2):83-92
Start Page: Research in the History of Astronomy
Язык: Ukrainian

The research activity of the Ukrainian astronomer Mykola Evdokymov, who worked in the field of astrometry, was analyzed. The main astronomer’s works were made using the Repsold meridian circle, were dedicated to the definition of stellar parallaxes, positions of zodiacal, faint circumpolar stars and positions of large planets. At the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory Mykola Evdokymov performed systematic observations of Solar and Lunar eclipses, in particular, took part in the observatory expeditions during the total solar eclipses of 1914 and 1936; observed comets (Halley, Delavan, Stearns, Pons-Winnecke) and meteor showers. He participated in the definition of the positions of star-benchmarks for the asteroid (433) Eros; conducted systematic studies of the meridian circle and participated in the development of new astronomical instruments; organized the work of the Observatory Time service and began to determine the declination of the stars by measuring the sums and differences of the zenith distances of pairs of stars by the Sanders-Raymond’s method (using a meridian circle and a transit instrument).

Ключевые слова: astrometry, declination of the stars, Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory, Mykola Evdokymov, parallax, zodiacal and circumpolar stars