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1Fedorenko AK, Kryuchkov EI, 1Cheremnykh OK. Attenuation of acoustic-gravity waves based on modified Navier-Stokes and heat transfer equations. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(5):15-30.
1Kozak LV, 1Petrenko BA, 2Kronberg EA, 3Grigorenko EE, 4Kozak PM, 1Reka KD. Changes of plasma parameters in Earth magnetosphere tail during substorm initialization. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(2):82-96.
1Chernogor LF, 1Shevelev MB. Characteristics of infrasonic signal generated by the Lipetsk meteoroid: statistical analysis. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(4):58-72.
1Wozniak W, 2Iskra K, 3Siluszyk M, 3Modzelewska R, 4Wolinski P, 2Seredyn T, 2Zienkiewicz T. The cone of acceptance and magnetic rigidity cutoff of galactic cosmic ray particles for different models of the International geomagnetic reference field from 1965-2015 in the Deblin airport, Poland. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(1):85-96.
1Fedorov YI. The cosmic ray distribution function on the initial stage of the solar proton event. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(3):3-20.
1Malovichko PP, 1Kyzyurov YV. Development of firehose instability of magnetosonic type in the presence of high-speed proton beams. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(3):21-46.
1Shchukina NG, 1Kostyk RI. Diagnostics of the velocity field of the quiet Sun using the lambda-meter method: the Si I λ 1082.7 nm line. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(1):3-23.
1Petrenko BA, 1Kozak LV. Dynamics of magnetic structures during the magnetospheric substorm. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(5):55-63.
1Hnatyk R, 2Voitsekhovskyi V. Extremely high energy (E > 10.E20 eV) cosmic rays: potential sources. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(3):47-68.
1Kornienko YV, 1Lyashenko I, 1Pugach VV, 1Skuratovskiy SI. Fourier components phase accumulation in observation of an object with an orbital telescope. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(1):68-84.
