Attenuation of acoustic-gravity waves based on modified Navier-Stokes and heat transfer equations. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(5):15-30.
. Changes of plasma parameters in Earth magnetosphere tail during substorm initialization. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(2):82-96.
. Characteristics of infrasonic signal generated by the Lipetsk meteoroid: statistical analysis. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(4):58-72.
. The cone of acceptance and magnetic rigidity cutoff of galactic cosmic ray particles for different models of the International geomagnetic reference field from 1965-2015 in the Deblin airport, Poland. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(1):85-96.
. The cosmic ray distribution function on the initial stage of the solar proton event. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(3):3-20.
. Development of firehose instability of magnetosonic type in the presence of high-speed proton beams. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(3):21-46.
. Diagnostics of the velocity field of the quiet Sun using the lambda-meter method: the Si I λ 1082.7 nm line. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(1):3-23.
. Dynamics of magnetic structures during the magnetospheric substorm. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(5):55-63.
. Extremely high energy (E > 10.E20 eV) cosmic rays: potential sources. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(3):47-68.
. Fourier components phase accumulation in observation of an object with an orbital telescope. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(1):68-84.