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1Ivashchenko G, 2Vasylenko OV. Cross-correlation function of distribution for SDSS DR7 I-type AGNS and WiggleZ Galaxies. Ukrainian. 2015 ;31(1):3-21.
1Kravtsov FI, 1Luk'yanyk IV. Determination of physical parameters of the gas in neutral atmospheres of comets. Methods of isophots. Russian. 2015 ;31(6):16-22.
1Fedorov YI, 1Shakhov BA, 1Kolesnyk YL. Dynamics of solar cosmic ray energetic spectra during the solar flare on January 20, 2005. Russian. 2015 ;31(4):3-20.
1Melekh BY, 1Demchyna AV, 1Holovatyi VV. Envelope masses and distances to planetary nebulae: IC 5117 and NGC 7293. Russian. 2015 ;31(2):34-46.
1Zhilyaev BE, 2Bondar AV, 2Andreev MV, 1Pokhvala SM, 3Ivashchenko YM, 1Reshetnyk VM, 1Petukhov VN, 1Svyatogorov OA, 1Verlyuk IA. High-frequency variations of spectral lines in the chromospherically active stars 61Cyg AB. Russian. 2015 ;31(6):3-15.
1Vidmachenko AP. The influence of solar activity on seasonal variation of the methane absorption in Saturn's atmosphere. Russian. 2015 ;31(3):38-53.
1Osipov SN. The instrumental profile of spectrograph of Golosiiv solar telescope ATsU-5. Russian. 2015 ;31(5):72-80.
1Maharramov YM, 1Khalilov VM. Investigation of atmosphere nonstationarity in the supergiant HD 225094. Profile variations of the Hα and Hβ lines in the spectra of the star HD 225094. Russian. 2015 ;31(3):63-72.
1Sheminova VA. Iron abundance in the atmosphere of Arcturus. Russian. 2015 ;31(4):21-38.
1Kharchuk SV, 1Ivanova OV, 1Korsun PP, 2Baransky OR. Model analysis of the dust tail of comet C/2012 K5 (LINEAR). Ukrainian. 2015 ;31(5):30-36.
