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1Fedorov YI, 1Shakhov BA, 1Kolesnyk YL. Intensity of galactic cosmic rays in the early Sun epoch. Russian. 2017 ;33(1):3-20.
1Koval'chuk MM, 1Hirnyak MB, 1Baran OA, 1Stodilka MI, 1Vovchyk YB, 1Bilinsky AI, 1Blahodyr YT, 1Virun NV, 2Apunevych SV. Investigation of the influence of heliogeoactivity on the dynamics of orbital parameters of artificial satellites of the Earth. Ukrainian. 2017 ;33(5):68-74.
1Rustamov JN, 2Abdulkerimova AF. Investigation of the lines Hα and Hβ in the spectrum of star HD 206267. Russian. 2017 ;33(5):49-58.
1Cheremnykh OK, 2Kryshtal AN, 1Tkachenko AA. Kink mode m = 1 in thin plasma flex with discontinuous vertical magnetic field. Russian. 2017 ;33(3):3-24.
1Torbaniuk O, 2Ivashchenko G. The mean transmission of the neutral inter galactic medium in the LYα-line from a sample of high-resolution quasar spectra. Russian. 2017 ;33(4):57-67.
1Koshmak IO, 1Melekh BY. Modelling of H II region radiation surrounding the starburst knot taking into account the structures evolution formed by superwind. Ukrainian. 2017 ;33(2):3-23.
1Novosyadlyi B, 1Sergijenko O, 2Shulga V. Molecules in the early Universe. Ukrainian. 2017 ;33(6):3-16.
1Chernogor LF, 2Liashchuk OI. The parameters of infrasonic waves generated by Chelyabinsk meteoroid 15 February 2013. Russian. 2017 ;33(2):60-72.
1Yushchenko AV, 2Gopka VF, 3Shavrina AV, 2Yushchenko VA, 2Vasileva SV, 2Andrievsky SM, 4Raikov AA, Kim S, 1Rittipruk P, 1Yeuncheol J, et al. The peculiarities of chemical elements abundances in the atmosphere of PMMR23 – red supergiant of Small Magellanic Cloud, as a result of interstellar gas accretion. Ukrainian. 2017 ;33(5):3-26.
1Yizhakevych OM, 1Andruk VM, 1Pakuliak LK. Photographic observations of the Saturn’s moons in MAO NAS of Ukraine in 1961–1990. Russian. 2017 ;33(3):70-80.
