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1Andruk VM, 1Golovnia VV, 1Ivanov GA, 1Yizhakevych OM, 1Pakuliak LK, 2Protsyuk YI, 1Shatokhina SV. Catalog of positions and B magnitudes of stars in the circumpolar region of northern sky survey (FON) project. 2016 ;32(1):56-69.
1Andruk VM, 1Pakuliak LK, 1Golovnia VV, 1Ivanov GA, 1Yatsenko AI, 1Shatokhina SV, 1Yizhakevych OM. Catalog of positions and B magnitudes of stars of Northern Sky Survey (FON) project. 2016 ;32(5):74-80.
1Leiko UM. Changes of Sun magnetic asymmetry. 2016 ;32(6):56-67.
1Bakhtigaraev NS, 1Levkina PA, 1Rykhlova LV, 2Chazov VV, 3Sergeev AV, 3Karpov NV. Characteristics of small-sized space debris objects using Terskol observatory measurements. 2016 ;32(5):34-39.
1Babadzhanov PB, 1Kokhirova GI, 2Obrubov YV. On cometary nature of near-Earth asteroid 2003 EH1. 2016 ;32(5):60-67.
1Vavrukh MV, 2Vasilieva IE, 1Stelmakh OM, 1Tyshko NL. Continuous absorption and depression in the spectrum of Sun in region λ = 650..820 nm. 2016 ;32(3):40-62.
1Korsun AA. Determination of secular polar motion from astronomical observations. The priority of O. Ya. Orlov. 2016 ;32(2):74-80.
1Stodilka MI. Diagnostics of horizontal velocities field in the solar atmosphere: line Ba II λ 455.403 nm. 2016 ;32(3):63-74.
1Zhilyaev BE, 2Andreev MV, 2Sergeev AV, 2Godunova VG, 2Butenko GZ, 2Taradiy VK. Diagnostics of small-sized forms on the surface of an asteroid according to fast spectrophotometry. 2016 ;32(5):52-59.
1Stodilka MI, 1Prysiazhnyi AI. Diagnostics of the solar atmosphere by non-LTE inverse method: Line of Ba II λ 455.403 nm. 2016 ;32(1):33-42.
