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1Vidmachenko AP. Changes in the activity of Jupiter’s hemispheres. Russian. 2017 ;33(6):55-60.
1Ovsak AS. Changes in the volume scattering coefficient of aerosol in the jovian atmosphere derived from whole-disk observations. Russian. 2015 ;31(4):61-71.
Morozhenko AV, 1Ovsak AS. Changes of aerosol optical depth and of relative concentration of methane with altitude in the atmospheres of giant planets. 2009 ;25(4):243-258.
1Kozak LV, 1Petrenko BA, 2Kronberg EA, 3Grigorenko EE, 4Kozak PM, 1Reka KD. Changes of plasma parameters in Earth magnetosphere tail during substorm initialization. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(2):82-96.
1Leiko UM. Changes of Sun magnetic asymmetry. 2016 ;32(6):56-67.
Luo Y, 1Chernogor LF. Characteristic features of the magnetic and ionospheric storms of December 21—24, 2016. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(5):51-80.
1Chernogor LF, 1Shevelev MB. Characteristics of infrasonic signal generated by the Lipetsk meteoroid: statistical analysis. Ukrainian. 2020 ;36(4):58-72.
1Bakhtigaraev NS, 1Levkina PA, 1Rykhlova LV, 2Chazov VV, 3Sergeev AV, 3Karpov NV. Characteristics of small-sized space debris objects using Terskol observatory measurements. 2016 ;32(5):34-39.
1Fedorov YI. Charged particle acceleration in the front of the shock wave bounding supersonic solar wind. Russian. 2014 ;30(3):3-26.
1Ovsak AS, 1Morozhenko OV. Clarifying the spectral dependence of the imaginary part of the refractive in dex of aerosole in the atmosphere of Jupiter in the short waves range of spectrum. Russian. 2017 ;33(5):59-67.
