Kyiv Meridian Axial Circle with CCD camera

Lazorenko, P, Karbovsky, V, Denisjuk, O, Babenko, Y, Buromsky, M, Kasjan, S, Kovaltchuk, O
Kinemat. fiz. nebesnyh tel (Online) 2007, 23(5):304-311
Мова: Ukrainian

We describe the present performance and observation technique of the Kyiv meridian axial circle (MAC) of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Astronomical Observatory of the Kyiv University which is equipped with a 1040*1160 CCD camera. Observations are performed in the drift-scan mode (time-delay imaging) with an effective exposure time of 108 s for equatorial stars. The MAC photometric system reproduces the standard V system; the limiting magnitude is V = 17.0. The first CCD catalogue obtained with the MAC includes data on positions, proper motions, and photometric В, V, R, r', J values for 100 thousand stars in fields with ICRF objects. The external accuracy of one catalogue position is 50—90 mas for the stars with V < 15 mag and the average photometric error is better than 0.1 mag for the stars down to 16 mag. Observations of stars near equator are now in progress.

Ключові слова: meridian axial circle
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