Statistical characteristics of data on meteoroids in the terrestrial atmosphere. Russian. 2018 ;34(3):42-58.
. Structure of the long-living elements of the solar granulation. Ukrainian. 2018 ;34(1):21-29.
. The survey of the regions with methanol masers in CS (J = 2–1) line emission. Statistical characteristics of the radiations. Russian. 2018 ;34(5):3-51.
. Time and polarization radiation characteristics PSR J0242+6256 at decameter range. Russian. 2018 ;34(4):14-29.
. Cosmic ray distribution function under anisotropic particle scattering on magnetic field fluctuations. Russian. 2019 ;35(1):3-26.
. Diagnostics of photospheric jets of the quiet Sun atmosphere. Ukrainian. 2019 ;35(5):48-84.
. Diffuse structure of some meteors at the beginning of their trajectories at classic heights. Russian. 2019 ;35(6):62-79.
. Estimation of coordinates of the Eastern European permanent GNSS stations in the IGb08 Reference Frame for GPS weeks 1709-1933. Ukrainian. 2019 ;35(1):70-80.
. Features of convection in the atmosphere layers of the solar facula. Ukrainian. 2019 ;35(6):18-33.
. Fraunhofer lines in the transition from the center to the limb of the solar disk. Russian. 2019 ;35(2):50-64.