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Pavlenko YV, Shubina OC, Kulyk IV, Kuznyetsova YG, 1Zakhozhay OV, 1Korsun PP, 1Borysenko SA, Krushevska VM, 2Andreev MV. Exocomet activity around the stars at different evolution stages: current issues. 2021 ;37(2):19-40.
1Vidmachenko AP. Features of the equinox of Saturn in 2010. 2021 ;37(1):57-70.
Katsko SV, Emelyanov LY, 1Chernogor LF. Features of the ionosphere storm on December 21—24, 2016. 2021 ;37(2):57-74.
1Loginov AA, 2Kryvodubskyj VN, 1Cheremnykh OK. Generation by global migratory flow of variable magnetic field of the Sun. 2021 ;37(1):30-47.
1Vasilieva IE, 2Pishkalo MI. History of sun spot research and forecast of the maximum of solar cycle 25. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(4):60-78.
Klymenko YO, 1Fedorenko AK, Kryuchkov EI, 1Cheremnykh OK, Voytsechovska AD, Selivanov YO, 1Zhuk IT. Identification of acoustic-gravity waves from satellite measurements. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(6):3-18.
Balyshev M. Ludwig O. Struve (1858-1920): The beginning of positional astronomy in the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(5):74-82.
Atai AA, Yuzbashov ER, 1Mikailov KM, Farziev ZS. Molecular hydrogen H² (4-0) in the spectra of Jupiter and Saturn. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(5):18-36.
Kleshchonok VV, 1Karbovsky VL, 2Buromsky MI, 1Lashko MV. The observation of stars occultation by asteroid (259) Alethea and comet 21p/Jacobini-Zinner. 2021 ;37(1):71-88.
Kleshchonok VV, 1Karbovsky VL, 2Buromsky MI, 1Lashko MV. Observation of the grazing occultation of the star TYC 1280-832-1 by the asteroid (486) Cremona. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(3):58-67.
