Accuracy estimation of optical observations of the geostationary satellites. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(2):74-82.
. Activities of the Astronomical Observatory of Kharkiv University and its representatives during the German-Soviet war years (1941—1945). Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(5):81-92.
. Analysis of actinium abundances in the atmosphere of Cepheid HIP13962. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(2):63-73.
. The asymptotic directions of approach and the magnetic rigidity cutoff of cosmic ray particles for airports at different latitudes and longitudes. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(6):25-42.
. Bands of NaH lines in spectra of late type stars. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(3):65-75.
. Characteristic features of the magnetic and ionospheric storms of December 21—24, 2016. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(5):51-80.
. Comparison of ground-based and satellite geomagnetic pulsations during substorms. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(1):3-15.
. Convective lineshifts in the spectra of the Sun and solar-type stars. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(2):39-62.
. Effects of viscosity and oblateness on the perturbed Robe’s problem with non-spherical primaries. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(5):31-50.
. Energy balance of evanescent acoustic-gravity waves. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(4):17-28.