Space Physics
Geospace perturbations that accompanied rocket launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome
Geospace perturbations that accompanied rocket launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(6):3-24.
. Polarization of ULF waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
Polarization of ULF waves in the Earth's magnetosphere. Russian. 2011 ;27(3):17-27.
. Transversal small-scale MHD perturbations in space plasma with magnetic surfaces
Transversal small-scale MHD perturbations in space plasma with magnetic surfaces. Russian. 2011 ;27(2):63-790.
. Statistical acceleration of cosmic rays in anisotropic turbulent medium
Statistical acceleration of cosmic rays in anisotropic turbulent medium. Russian. 2011 ;27(1):3-24.
. Kinetic Alfven waves generation ahead of the Earth bow shock
Kinetic Alfven waves generation ahead of the Earth bow shock. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(5):3-20.
. The modulation of galactic cosmic ray intensity in the small anisotropy approximation
The modulation of galactic cosmic ray intensity in the small anisotropy approximation. Ukrainian. 2022 ;38(4):3-16.
. A search for ultra-high-energy cosmic ray sources. FRI radio galaxy Centaurus A
A search for ultra-high-energy cosmic ray sources. FRI radio galaxy Centaurus A. Ukrainian. 2012 ;28(6):17-31.
. The effect of the heliopause and a standing termination shock on the propagation of galactic cosmic rays in heliosphere stationary model
The spontaneous magnetic field direction in an anisotropic MHD dynamo
The spontaneous magnetic field direction in an anisotropic MHD dynamo. English. 2012 ;28(5):27-36.