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1Cheremnykh OK, 1Fedorenko AK, Cheremnykh OS, 2Kronberg EA. Acoustic-gravity waves with height-independent amplitude in the isothermal atmosphere. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(5):54-64.
1Fedorenko AK, Kryuchkov EI, 1Cheremnykh OK, 1Zhuk IT. AGW spectrum filtering in a horizontally inhomogeneous atmospheric flow. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(4):55-67.
Khoda O. Analysis of GNSS observations (gps weeks 1934—2105) for the propagation of the IGS14 reference frame on the territory of Ukraine. 2023 ;39(3):79-89.
Golubaev AV, Zheleznyak AP, Kaydash VG. Assessment of astroclimate conditions of the Observation complex of the Research Institute of Astronomy of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(4):89-98.
1Chernogor LF, Holub MY. Bay-shaped variations in the geomagnetic field that accompanied the catastrophic explosion of the Tonga volcano on January 15, 2022. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(5):3-23.
Izotova IY, Izotov YI. Compact galaxies with active star formation from the SDSS data release 16: star formation rates based on the luminosities of forbidden emission lines in the optical range. 2023 ;39(1):37-48.
Lozitsky VG, 1Yefimenko VM. Early forecast of maximum of 25th cycle of Solar activity. 2023 ;39(1):65-71.
Luo Y, 1Chernogor LF. Ionospheric effects of the Kamchatka meteoroid: GPS observations. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(2):3-15.
Izotova IY, Izotov YI. LyC leaking galaxies: properties in the mid-infrared range based on the wise space telescope data. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(2):34-46.
Dickmann W, Dickmann J. Modification of inertia resulting from a Hubble-scale Casimir effect contradicts classical inertia. Ukrainian. 2023 ;39(6):80-87.
