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Ishchuk NV, 1Ishchenko MV, Velikodsky YV. Analysis of time series of coordinates of GNSS station «Chernihiv» (CNIV). Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(4):79-91.
1Cheremnykh OK, 1Fedorenko AK, Kryuchkov EI, Vlasov DI, 1Zhuk IT. Attenuation of evanescent acoustic-gravity modes in the Earth thermosphere. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(5):3-17.
1Izotova IY, 2Izotov YI. Compact galaxies with active star formation from SDSS DR14: star formation rates derived from combinations of luminosities in different wavelength ranges. 2021 ;37(2):3-18.
1Chernogor LF. Convection effect in the atmospheric surface layer in the course of solar eclipses of 20 March 2015 and 10 June 2021. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(6):19-33.
1Fedorov YI. Cosmic ray streaming in the diffusion approximation. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(3):3-23.
1Chornogor SN, 1Kondrashova NN. Development of a solar circular flare М6.4 according to observations in the Нα line. 2021 ;37(2):41-56.
1Chernogor LF, 1Mylovanov YB. Dynamic falling of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid: The sizes, radiation and destruction. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(5):37-65.
1Cheremnykh OK, 1Fedorenko AK, Vlasov DI, Melnychuk SV. Evanescent acoustic-gravity wave modes in the non-isothermal atmosphere. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(4):3-17.
1Chernogor LF, Garmash KP. Examplified by the explosion at the city of Beirut on August 4, 2020: Observational data. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(4):35-48.
1Chernogor LF. Examplified by the explosion at the city of Beirut on August 4, 2020: Theoretical modeling results. Ukrainian. 2021 ;37(3):24-45.
